GET HELP (Clients)
To qualify for Call A Ride of Southlake transport, you must be:
- A Southlake, Texas (76092) resident
- A Senior Citizen (55 years of age or older)
- A disabled adult (21years of age or older)
- Ambulatory:
- able to walk
- able to enter and exit a vehicle unaided (cane and walker acceptable)
CARS reserves the right to determine eligibility based on our ability to accommodate individuals with certain conditions and circumstances. Applicants with conditions such as Dementia, Alzheimer’s, wheelchair bound and those undergoing treatments for Cancer, may be considered or not (determined by our operations staff). While we’d love to serve everyone, we are a nonprofit utilizing volunteers who are untrained. We’d hate, for example, to have a cancer patient miss treatment because we could not fill a ride due to lack of volunteer availability. In cases like this, CARS would not be a good fit as the primary means of transport.
Senior citizens and disabled adults must:
- Complete an application (available upon request via email or US Postal)
- Undergo an interview (via phone) with a CARS representative after CARS receives the completed application
- Request a ride a minimum of 72 hours (3 days) in advance
A dispatcher contacts volunteer drivers to arrange transportation.
Note: Trip requests are not scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. Schedules are created to maximize capacity. Often, it is not possible to accommodate all trips requests, and clients are informed as soon as possible if a trip cannot be scheduled.
- CARS will transport within a 25-mile radius of Southlake Town Hall, including parts of Arlington, Fort Worth and Dallas for most medical purposes.
- CARS will transport within a 7-mile radius of Southlake Town Hall for non-medical purposes.